Friday, November 20, 2009

Help! MUSLIM internet explorer!!?

I just downloaded this new beta browser called MIE (Muslim internet explorer) and whenever I try to go to youtube or any kind of video or image site other than a Muslim site, it blocks me and an error pops up that says "I'm sorry but you are an INFIDEL! Do not visit such sexy sites or we will stone you to death. Please contact your local cult to get in touch with a suicide bomber representative today." Is there a way for me to bypass this error? I really like MIE's browser design and don't want to give it up because of such a silly error.

Help! MUSLIM internet explorer!!?microsoft templates

It's not an error. It is doing what it is programmed to do.

If you were Muslim, you would know that it is sinning to drink alchohol, and watch bad stuff.


Help! MUSLIM internet explorer!!?windows firewall internet explorer


you fail at humor

go get a friend
WTF?thats all
Most services should allow you to switch off the firewalls. If it doesn't, than you should get a new one
Wow! that was a mouth full,I never heard of MIE(Muslim Internet Explorer). But thanks for the warning anyway. I sure likes to lick them!
Dont know whether your just taking the mickey or for real, if its for real, you need to delete it as its pages liek this that create problems between faiths Im a Muslim and never want that, secondly, what is all this about contacting a local suicide bomber, thats just crap man, people should nt talk like this or advocate anything like this at all, its wrong, whats wrong with using a proper browser, why you using a Muslim one anyway??

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