Friday, November 20, 2009

Installing Internet Explorer 7 fully crashes Windows?

I installed Internet Explorer 7 on my computer and now Windows will not boot. It will take me to my desktop and I can use the Task Manager to get to my programs, but my desktop and start menue will not load. When it first tries to open Windows it tells me there is an error and asks me if I want to send and error report. How can I get Windows working again properly?

Installing Internet Explorer 7 fully crashes Windows?windows server 2003

Uninstall IE7 and go back to 6.

To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 to return to Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP

Click "Start," and then click "Control Panel."

Click "Add or Remove Programs."

Check "Show Updates" at the top of the dialog box.

Scroll down the list and highlight the version of Internet Explorer 7 that you are running, and then click "Change/Remove."

Uninstall that,restart your PC and you are on IE6

Installing Internet Explorer 7 fully crashes Windows?windows xp service internet explorerNo one answered my question as it needed to be answered. The real answer was that my entire system needed to be repaired, and it was from another question that I found out how to do that. Report It

Log on in safe mode (during startup press F8) and choose Safe Mode. Once logged in, you should be able to Go to Start, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, and find Internet Explorer 7 in the list. Remove it, and reinstall only version 6.
If you can get to where you can uninstall it, do it. When the IT people at my job loaded it on my work computer, it totally killed my computer. It kept rebooting over and over by itself and wouldn't stop. They had to totally wipe my computer and load everything on again.
you want something reliable


it will not crash on you, and when and if it does, it will recover the page you were on!, all of them + you can get the most amazing add ons, from music to shopping. HTML checkers to world dictionary. amazing effects like a page turning as you go from tab to tab.

have any questions about how, which or what to install just contact me.

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looks like you have got some parts missing,

fwell use firefox, it works, what parts are not working with it?

but if you are having problems just tell me what sucrurity and anti virus programs do you have
Try using the repair feature of Windows XP. It is going to replace the system files that have been corrupted with fresh ones.

If you know how to do an Installation, then do it and choose the repair option when asked. it will restore your windows operating system withoutn you loosing any of your files or any of the programs that were installed on the machine.

I once experience that problem and that was what i did.

If you do not want alternatives like Mozilla then stick to IE 6. It is safer than IE 7.

Hope it helps...
The problem is Windows. Get rid of Windows. There is a FREE operating system that won't crash all the time, it's called Linux. You can download CentOS Linux for free!!!

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