Friday, November 20, 2009

I cant open internet explorer???

I cant open internet explorer on my computer. it is my friends computer from wich i am typing.

it sometimes opens but it opens for about 5 minutes and then there is an error and it closes. i have also reported the error several times but no solution to the problem is displayed.

i cant live without it please help

I cant open internet explorer???windows mail

Your Internet Explorer browser is currupt! ....

There are 3 solutions:

1) Re-Install Windows (will take up a lot of time)

2) Re-Install Internet Explorer (i have given the download link in sources)

3) Download and install a better browser called Mozilla Firefox. It is more powerful than any other browser (as far as my experience says). I recommend installing Firefox (i have given the download link in sources)



I cant open internet explorer???microsoft maps internet explorer

It seems like the IE is corrupted

You will have to reinstall Windows!!
you might need to do a reformat if you have your recovery disks.

Try this:

Start -%26gt; Run -%26gt; Iexplore.. this should make the internet explorer work for you temporarily.

Reporting the error will not give you a solution, it just goes into a microsoft data base. Paste the error contents in the question.. that will give me an idea as to what is causing it in the first place.
you cant do anythig to repair your internet explorer but you can install another browser. I recommend you Opera 9 Beta.

oyu could try to install internet explorer 7. this will replace the old one the error will dissappear
you can try using windows update and try and see if some update for IE is available. after update your problem might get resolved.

have you tried scanning your PC for virus??

if still having problems.. rather then installing Windows XP again, try using Mozilla or firefox for browser. They are very good and free.
Unless you are a devoted IE user, you could use Mozilla Firefox or Opera. I do know that Firefox has extensions that can add IE tabs in it, if you still want to use IE in some way. I don't know if Opera has that capability, but I'm sure it does.
Try downloading Mozilla Firefox, I had a similar problem and could not fix it.

Sometimes changing browsers is the only solution...
What error is prompted to you?

Can you open Windows Explorer? (which I doubt you can)

Start-%26gt;Programs-%26gt;Accessories-%26gt;Windows Explorer.

If you can, you can type the URL in the Address for the moment.
reinstall it
Try FireFox.

The award-winning, free Web browser is better than ever. Browse the Web with confidence - Firefox protects you from viruses, spyware and pop-ups. Enjoy improvements to performance, ease of use and privacy. It's easy to import your favorites and settings and get started. Download Firefox now and get the most out of the Web.

Here to Download for Free:

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