Friday, November 20, 2009

Internet/computer problems!!!?

Every 5 minutes, a box pops up saying internet explorer script error. I have tried reinstalling it and it didnt do anyhting. i am the only person using my computer. in desperate need of help.PLEASE GIVE ME AN ANSWER!!!!

Internet/computer problems!!!?windows mobile

since u say its every 5mins, i ask: do u have a solid antivirus?

sometin is wrong somewhere.

try mozilla if the disabling script reporting dont work

Internet/computer problems!!!? internet explorer

disable script error reporting, in internet options-advanced.
Your internet explorer browser might have gone corrupted. You need to reinstall the Internet Explorer.

Try to browse the internet using a windows browser first and see if it does the samething giving error message.

Open "My Computer" and on the address bar type the address of any website. Browse the website for site for a while to see if it gives

the same problem.

Follow the steps below to replace/reinstall the IE components.

1. Click on start and then click on Run and type "appwiz.cpl" without quotes. This will open up your add/remove programs. Choose

Add/Remove Windows components on the left side (see picture here

2. Now you need to deselect the windows component related to the internet explorer. Click on apply, OK and then restart the system.

Then go back and add the same IE component under the Add/Remove Windows component. Click on Apply and OK and restart once

again. Check if that has resolved that issue.

3. Also click on Start and click on Search files and folder and try to search for ie.inf (search hidden files and folder)and right click on it and click on install. This should fix the issue.

4. If it still comes up then you need to put a check mark under disable script debugging and remove the check mark under "display notification about every script error"
Have you checked for spyware or a virus?


Spybot Search and Destroy


AVG Anti Spy

Adaware SE

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