Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I recently installed then uninstalled proxyway now i cant connect to internet explorer?

so here so far this is wat ive done

a) wnet to options and unchecked everything in LAN connections

b) check the firewall

but still hav the same problem everytime i enter IE it says

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Most likely causes:

You are not connected to the Internet.

The website is encountering problems.

There might be a typing error in the address.

some1 help

I recently installed then uninstalled proxyway now i cant connect to internet explorer?microsoft project

Just use Firefox till you figure out how to solve the problem.

Firefox is overall a better browser, far faster, and also far more secure.

Not to mention, its better at conforming to web standards.

I recently installed then uninstalled proxyway now i cant connect to internet explorer?microsoft powerpoint internet explorer

Once you install a firewall with IE, you cannot connect without the firewall. The only way around this problem is to delete IE [I use IEradicator], then reinstall IE from your installation CD using add/remove in control panel. is a freeware download from the internet %26amp; you won't loose your favorites.

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